male depression

Why Men Don’t Ask for Help with Male Depression

Men find it more difficult to explain how they feel, and it’s a reason why male depression goes unreported. Unfortunately, male mental health is often deliberately overlooked due to cultural norms. There’s enough evidence to support the claim that men face mental illnesses just as much as other genders do. There’s no significant difference in the rate of depression in men and women.

couples marriage counseling

Couples Therapy – When Do You Need It?

It’s normal to have conflicts in your relationship; this is why you should consider marriage counseling. Here are a few things, which will help you decide if couples therapy will benefit you:

cross-cultural couple

6 Ways you can Strengthen your Cross-Cultural Relationship

Race is a powerful social construct in America despite it having no biological significance. Therefore, being in a cross-cultural relationship can be challenging for many people.               Many distinct troubles come with being in cross-cultural relationships, such as navigating different traditions and dealing with disapproving family members.

woman sitting with her head on the man's shoulder

Dating Someone with Anxiety — Here’s What You Should Know

Every relationship comes with its own set of challenges and issues that people need to work through and grow together from. However, dating someone with anxiety can be unpredictable, especially if you don’t understand them. Think about it this way; your partner always feels as anxious as you get when you wait for a text back or results for a test. This anxiety never subsides for your partner.