Infidelity Counseling Services in Silicon Valley, CA

Therapy for infidelity
Have you – or someone you know – engaged in infidelity? You’re not alone. According to the American Psychological Association, infidelity is a major cause of divorce in the United States, with 42 percent of divorced individuals reported to having an extramarital affair.
Research suggests that both men and women are likely to cheat on their respective partners. According to Psychology Today, most affairs last 6 to 24 months. According to Marriage Today, more than half the couples stay together after infidelity has been revealed.
Infidelity, cheating, betrayal, unfaithfulness – no matter what you call it, the fact is that these affairs are more common than we’d like to admit. Even famous people have cheated on their partners and spouses.
It can take years to find and build a strong bond with your soul mate. Within minutes, infidelity can break the bond of trust and loyalty and leave one partner feeling devastated, confused, and alone.
As a result, committing infidelity on a spouse or a committed partner can adversely affect their health, well-being and shatter their self-esteem.
What is infidelity?
Infidelity is the act of betraying or cheating on a spouse or a relationship partner. The reasons why people cheat can vary from one individual to another individual.
Types of infidelity
These are the most common types of infidelity:
- Online infidelity (affair via sexting and chatting)
- Sexual infidelity (Having intercourse with someone you’re generally not emotionally attached with)
- Emotional infidelity (Affair that occurs through feeling. An emotional affair can lead to a sexual affair)
Why causes people to commit infidelity?
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer for this. People have different reasons for cheating on their partners. Broadly speaking, men and women commit infidelity due to their own individual needs and circumstances.
That being said, some of the reasons an individual may engage in infidelity include:
- Low self-esteem
- Dissatisfaction with current relationship
- To end the current relationship
- Lack of emotional intimacy in current relationship
- Depression
- Avoid personal or relationship issues
- For a new or better sexual experience
- Power
The effects of infidelity
When an individual discovers infidelity in their relationship, they can experience a whirlwind of emotions, from shock to grief to anger.
Coming to terms with a loved one’s infidelity can be upsetting and heartbreaking. For anyone, be it a man or a woman, a spouse’s infidelity can be a lot to process. It can take a toll on their physical, mental and emotional health and well-being. Similarly, the cheating spouse may feel guilt after the affair.
Sometimes, infidelity ends a marriage or a long-term relationship. However, what’s important to remember is that the painful scars of infidelity can be removed with the help of a good therapist through infidelity counseling.
If you and your partner are looking to repair and rebuild your relationship after infidelity, Azizeh E. Rezaiyan, at Silicon Valley Marriage Counseling specializes in couples, marriage, and infidelity counseling.
As a qualified and licensed therapist, Azizeh E. Rezaiyan can help you and your partner identify the root cause of the problem and find a practical solution through open, clear communication and dialogue.
Azizeh E. Rezaiyan has over two decades of experience in helping couples seek emotional support and closure. She respects every client’s privacy and confidentiality and ensures they get personalized services.

(650) 206-9973