How Do You Live With Someone Who Always Thinks They’re Right

How Do You Live With Someone Who Always Thinks They’re Right?

Most adults can accept when they’re wrong and are willing to make changes that help them become better people, but some can’t take criticism at all.

When you try to get them to see your side, they manipulate the situation to make you seem wrong (even though you’re not, and you know it!).

People who always have to be right are incredibly challenging to live with. You’ll find yourself walking on eggshells around them. They’ll test your patience, cause you immense frustration, and you’ll soon resort to keeping things to yourself instead of attempting to talk to them.

All of these issues are a breeding ground for problems in any relationship.

So how do you live with someone who always thinks they’re right?

Before we get to that, you must understand why people behave this way.

Cluster B Personality Disorders

Cluster B Personality Disorders

Psychologists associate these characteristics with Cluster B personality disorders, which include Antisocial Personality Disorders, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and some others.

Superiority Complex

People who have these disorders often have a distorted view of themselves and have unrealistic expectations from others. Such individuals feel superior to others, allowing them to dismiss other people’s feelings and thoughts.

Their main priority is to protect a fragile ego, which is what they rely on to feel superior.

Rigid Cognitive Style

Another prominent characteristic among such individuals is their rigid thinking style. Unlike others whose ideas and thoughts change with time, Cluster B personalities are set in how they think. Psychologists define this as Cognitive Rigidity.

Because their ideas and behaviors don’t change, they have difficulty putting themselves in people’s shoes and viewing situations through alternate perspectives.

Unmet Needs

While psychological issues may be at play, environmental factors must be considered when evaluating such individuals.

A person who always has to be right often has unmet social, home, or work needs. While this may provide insight into their defensive behavior, it doesn’t excuse it.

A Cluster B personality will struggle to grow and lower their guard until they acknowledge they have a problem.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen until they realize and accept that their behavior continues to push others away.

Seek Professional Guidance to Navigate Relationship Challenges

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and unsure about how to cope with a partner or family member who always insists on being right, remember, you’re not alone. Seeking professional guidance can be a transformative step towards improving your situation and your overall well-being.

Azizeh Rezaiyan, a licensed therapist based in Palo Alto, specializes in dealing with the complexities of relationships, offering couples counseling, and addressing individual concerns like depression and anxiety.

Don’t let the stress of living with someone who can’t accept being wrong affect your peace of mind and relationships. Reach out to Azizeh’s office today to learn more about how therapy can empower you to navigate these challenges confidently and clearly.

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