Since the pandemic has overtaken countries, workplaces, and generally the world, anxieties and stresses have surged.
Employees are uncertain about the future of their employment and income. Employers are uncertain about the survival of their business. Students are uncertain about their education and job prospects. Finally, governments are worried about their citizens and, by extension, everything that affects them.
Now, more than ever, people need strategies to manage their stresses and anxieties. Continue reading for some tips to help you get through the pandemic.
Information and Planning
Given the ongoing uncertainty, no one can blame you for obsessively checking the news. The more information we have, the better we can plan for our future. However, excessively planning and obsessively seeking out information can contribute to stress and anxiety. When planning, we’re concerned about the future. This is normal, but excessive planning will have you concerned about minute details, which can worsen your anxiety.
Moreover, you’re also likely to obsess over things you can’t control, such as when the pandemic will end. You may find yourself obsessively scouring the internet for information on these things. In moderation, this is perfectly rational. However, if you continue to do it obsessively, you’ll likely stress yourself out. Keep yourself informed, but make sure you take breaks.
Exercising releases endorphins, which are your body’s natural painkillers. Endorphins aren’t released to deal with just physical pain. For example, endorphins are known to reduce stress and deflect anxiety. Moreover, exercise helps you look better, which may make you feel better.
Lastly, if you develop a proper regimen, exercise can also add some stability and orderliness to your quarantine life. This is a healthy way to address not only your mental health but also your physical health.
Stay Connected
Although the lockdown and social distancing measures are in effect, you can still find ways to connect with your friends and family. If you can’t physically meet, there are still many different media that can help you stay connected. Video calls, video games, and virtual escape rooms are a handful of the plethora of options available.
Interacting with loved ones will do more than distract you from the current situation. Friends and family form a support network. Consequently, you can vent your worries to them, which is very beneficial in dealing with anxiety and stress.
Voicing your worries is only part of the battle. Knowing what to do about those concerns can also help, but your loved ones may not be equipped to offer that information. Instead, meet with a therapist who can help you work through your worries. If you’re in Palo Alto, California, contact me at Silicon Valley Marriage Counseling. My name’s Azizeh Rezaiyan, and I’m an anxiety therapist. Get in touch, and I’ll help you navigate the uncertainties surrounding your life.
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