marriage counseling and infidelity

‘Taking Care Of’ or ‘Caring For’ Your Partner? Why it Matters.

Marriage guidance, advice, and relationship tips from expert marriage therapist Azizeh Rezaiyan In my couple’s therapy sessions, partners often talk about “taking care of each other.” They go on and on about all the ways they make special efforts to make their partner happy. Unfortunately, these couples are not alone in their confusion about the difference between taking care of their partner (caretaking) and caring for their partner. The fact is, there are only two … Continue Reading

better help couples therapy

3 Ways to Make the Honeymoon Last…or Recapture the Honeymoon!

Marriage guidance, advice, and relationship tips from expert marriage therapist Azizeh Rezaiyan Over time, it’s natural for the excitement of a new relationship to wear off. Feeling disillusioned is one of the most common marriage problems. The great news is you can perform a little marriage self-help and turn things around with a few expert relationship techniques. While a more mature love is a good thing, you can consciously keep elements of that “new” feeling … Continue Reading

couples relationship therapy

Relationship Advice: How to Be a Truly Supportive Spouse in Your Marriage – 3 Easy Ways

Marriage guidance, advice, and relationship tips from expert marriage therapist Azizeh Rezaiyan What does it mean to be a supportive spouse? Should you fake support no matter what, acting against your true feelings? What is considered support – is it words, actions, participation? Step 1: Look for Opportunities Take a deep breath – you can be more supportive in a marriage without compromising authenticity. Once you decide you want to be more supportive, look for … Continue Reading

professional marriage counseling

Relationship Advice for Men – The 5 Best Simple Things Men Can Do to Build Partnership and Intimacy in Marriage

Marriage guidance, advice, and relationship tips from expert marriage therapist Azizeh Rezaiyan Most of us never received any solid marriage guidance before tying the knot. Instead, we picked up what our parents modeled for us, the good and the bad. Our spouse may have had a completely different model! This can make for some tough and confusing going. The great news is we do know what types of behaviors and attitudes facilitate having a great … Continue Reading

free couples counseling

Sex Makes Babies but Babies Spoil Sex—Why?

    If you and your spouse currently have children, or are working toward having children, you are likely aware of the ways babies change the dynamic of your marriage—including the dynamic of your sex life. Sex is an important aspect of marriage, where couples come to know each other on a deeper level and can physically express their love for one another. In the early pre-children stages of marriage, sex can be new, exciting, … Continue Reading