
The Connection between Childhood Experiences and Adult Depression

As professional psychologists, we come across people suffering from some form of depression and/or anxiety on a routine basis. Whether it’s about relationship issues or problems at the workplace – the underlying cause in most cases of adult depression are connected with some form of adversity the patient faced in their childhood. When we talk to people involved in substance abuse, addicted to alcohol, or struggling with low self-esteem in adulthood, one thing is usually … Continue Reading

therapist for relationship

Depression and the Absence of Intimacy

Depression is not confined to the mind alone. It affects every single aspect of your lives. Prolonged depression takes its toll on your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. This sometimes leads to problems in personal relationships and the one that takes the worse hit is your relationship with your partner/spouse. Depression can cause a perfectly healthy relationship between partners to go sour. This only adds further trouble in the lives of people going through a … Continue Reading

Family Mediation

How Does Early Parenting Affect Your Child’s Future?

The early years of a child’s life can play a crucial role in determining the quality of life that will exist in their future. If you are a new or expecting parent, it may seem overwhelming to consider the repercussions your parental actions may have on the remainder of your child’s life. While you may only be responsible for a portion of your child’s future, preparing early and learning as much as you can about … Continue Reading

free couples counseling

Sex Makes Babies but Babies Spoil Sex—Why?

    If you and your spouse currently have children, or are working toward having children, you are likely aware of the ways babies change the dynamic of your marriage—including the dynamic of your sex life. Sex is an important aspect of marriage, where couples come to know each other on a deeper level and can physically express their love for one another. In the early pre-children stages of marriage, sex can be new, exciting, … Continue Reading