couples counseling & therapy

How To Get Through Hard Times As A Couple

Being in a relationship is hard work; this is why it’s important that we learn how to support one another, and get through hard times together. Here are 4 things to do to encourage a healthy relationship:

Counseling in progress

5 Myths about Counseling – Busted!

There were 20.6% of adults in the US experiencing some kind of mental illness in 2019. However, due to the COVID pandemic, over 40% of adults reported struggling with mental health issues or substance abuse in 2020.

A same-sex couple embracing

Gay Couples Therapy: Avoiding Same-Sex Divorce

Although some states may have legalized same-sex marriage, heterosexual norms and traditions still govern society at large. Therefore, navigating through life as a same-sex couple can be challenging. Many same-sex couples struggle significantly more than their heterosexual counterparts because there are insufficient support systems around them. Institutions like family, law, and religion provide more comprehensive support to heterosexual couples than same-sex couples. Issues in Same-Sex Couplings Numerous issues arise in same-sex marriages that can cause … Continue Reading