marriage and family therapist

Living with a Partner with Depression: How To Make It Easier

Simply complicated—that’s what depression is. Depression isn’t like a friendly dog that sticks to your side, no matter what. Neither is it a fragment of one’s imagination. It’s a complex shadow that looms over a person’s head one day, and completely takes over their mind and body the next. Even if the person is at their happiest, depression makes them feel sad, confused, frustrated, lonely and incredibly tough to handle. But more than anything, depression … Continue Reading

Premarital Counseling in Palo Alto

Couples in Conflict – Why Your Communication Skills May Be a Problem

As naturally unrestrained creatures, we humans need efficient communication like a plant needs water. When we’re unable to break that barrier, we become frustrated, depressed and angry. What should be done to solve this issue? Confronting the Cause of Poor Communication According to a survey, poor communication is the number one reason why most couples split up. But it should be noted that in these cases, poor communication isn’t just about stonewalling the other person. … Continue Reading

family marriage counseling & therapy

Male Depression in Marital Relationship

Depression may not as often be diagnosed in men as in women, but that does not mean they don’t go through it. Depression in men is almost as common as it is in women. The only difference is that women readily accept their condition and reach out for help – men don’t – and majority of the times men don’t even realize they’re depressed. However, they do show signs and these “signs” dramatically impact their … Continue Reading


The Connection between Childhood Experiences and Adult Depression

As professional psychologists, we come across people suffering from some form of depression and/or anxiety on a routine basis. Whether it’s about relationship issues or problems at the workplace – the underlying cause in most cases of adult depression are connected with some form of adversity the patient faced in their childhood. When we talk to people involved in substance abuse, addicted to alcohol, or struggling with low self-esteem in adulthood, one thing is usually … Continue Reading